Have you found the right place?

1. Coach for the following Career and life phases:
 a. Career/job growth/progression
 b. Orientation and re-evaluation of purpose
 c. Establish or extend capabilities:
     · Self & business presentation
     · Change management
     · Dealing with difficult personalities
     · Recognition and elimination of bottlenecks to progress

2. Optimise handling of increasing responsibility and stress
 a. Learn and use resilience
 b. Mental growth and training for mental vitality
 c. Symbiosis of body, soul and rationality
 d. Shifting boundaries and remaining productive
 e. Dealing with necessary and monotonous or boring tasks

“A person grows with their responsibilities however sometimes these grow faster than they do”
(Ernst Reinhardt)

3. Acknowledge acute emergencies and working out strategies.
 a. Short term: Support through direct guidance. Dealing with symptoms.
 b. Middle/Long term: Activating and strengthening innate resources. Root cause identification and      resolution.

What trainings are available?

  • Mental training is simple to learn and can be applied in every situation. You don’t need any aids or particular qualifications. You will be shown a wide range of extremely effective techniques that will help you attain your goals quickly and easily. Goals which, in the past, you had never even contemplated will be achieved simply because you confront situations with a different attitude.
  • Presentation Training
  • Negotiation Training in cooperation with Engarde
  • Solution-Selling in cooperation with Reeve
  • Public Speaking – You would like to have a Keynote speaker – Just call.


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